Unveiling a Target and Multi-Stage Malware Attack

On August 21, 2024, a new malware spreading through phishing pages was identified. This malware appears as part of a campaign impersonating the Altice corporation….
Tópicos atuais sobre segurança da informação. A segurança informática é da responsabilidade de todos.
On August 21, 2024, a new malware spreading through phishing pages was identified. This malware appears as part of a campaign impersonating the Altice corporation….
Introduction Fuzzing is a black-box software testing technique and consists of finding implementation flaws and bugs by using malformed/semi-malformed payloads via automation. Fuzzing an application…
Conheça os mais recentes templates de phishing bancário em Portugal e não se deixe enganar
Phishkits bancários impactando utilizadores Portugueses estão a ser constantemente atualizados pelos criminosos Phishkits bancários impactando utilizadores Portugueses estão a ser constantemente atualizados pelos seus operadores….
After three months from the first detection, the Lampion origin was identified. A webserver named “portaldasfinancas” is available in Turkey and has been used to spread the threat in Portugal.
O ransomware PureLocker está a infetar servidores Windows, Linux e MacOS.
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