Emotet malware has been spread via an email referring to Halloween.

Trojan Emotet is celebrating Halloween by launching new spam email spots and inviting victims to a neighborhood party. Yes, it’s true, a party, however, while the victim accesses the email features, Emotet installs itself on your computer.

For those unfamiliar with Emotet, it is a malware infection that spreads through email containing malicious documents. These documents install Emotet on the victim’s computer, which installs other malware and uses the victim’s computer to send more spam.

To enjoy the holiday, the group behind Emotet has changed the email template to use new themes intended to invite you to a Halloween party.

Researcher Joseph Rossen of Emotet Cryptolaemus group of Cofense Labs was the first to share this new template.

Although the time and text of the different emails are slightly different, the general idea is that the victim feels invited to participate in the event (a scam).

Dear Neighbors and Friends,
It is Halloween and time for TREAT OR TRICK.

Please join us for a casual dinner party on Halloween night, Oct.31, 2019 starting at 6:00pm. Come and say hello to your neighbors and enjoy some food and drinks.

We are looking forward to a fun day and kindly respond with an email to make sure we have enough TREAT for you.

Details in the attachment.


As analyzed by Cofense, the main subjects present in this new wave of attacks via email are:

Party invitation
Halloween party invitation
Happy Halloween
Party tonight
Halloween party
Halloween Party
Halloween invitation


The name of the attachments identified so far are as follows:

Halloween party invitation.doc
Halloween party.doc
Happy Halloween.doc
Halloween invitation.doc
Halloween Party.doc
Party tonight.doc
Party invitation.doc


When you open the document, it will ask permission to execute. The trick to this Halloween is not clicking!



Portuguese Language

O Trojan Emotet está a comemorar o Halloween lançando novas vagas de email spam e que convidam as vítimas para uma festa lá no bairro.  Sim, é verdade, uma festa, no entanto, enquanto a vítima acede aos recursos do email, o Emotet instala-se no seu computador.

Para aqueles que não estão familiarizados com o Emotet, é uma infeção por malware que se espalha por email contendo documentos maliciosos. Esses documentos instalam o Emotet no computador da vítima, que instala outros malwares e usa o computador da vítima para enviar mais spam.

Para aproveitar o feriado, a grupopor trás do Emotet mudou o template de email para usar novos temas que pretendem convidá-lo para uma festa de Halloween.

O investigador Joseph Rossen, do grupo Emotet Cryptolaemus, da emrpesa Cofense Labs, foi quem partilhou pela primeira vez esse novo template.


Embora a hora e o texto dos diferentes emails sejam ligeiramente diferentes, a ideia geral é que a vítima se sinta convidada a participar no evento (uma farsa).

Dear Neighbors and Friends,
It is Halloween and time for TREAT OR TRICK.

Please join us for a casual dinner party on Halloween night, Oct.31, 2019 starting at 6:00pm. Come and say hello to your neighbors and enjoy some food and drinks.

We are looking forward to a fun day and kindly respond with an email to make sure we have enough TREAT for you.

Details in the attachment.


Segundo analisado pela Cofense, os principais subjects presentes nesta nova vaga de ataques via email são:

Party invitation
Halloween party invitation
Happy Halloween
Party tonight
Halloween party
Halloween Party
Halloween invitation


Já o nome do anexos identificados até ao momento são os seguintes:

Halloween party invitation.doc
Halloween party.doc
Happy Halloween.doc
Halloween invitation.doc
Halloween Party.doc
Party tonight.doc
Party invitation.doc


Ao abrir o documento, ele solicitará permissão para executar. O trick para este Halloween é não clicar!




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