Facebook made headlines again. The Facebook’s CPO (Chief Privacy Officer), Erin Egan, said in a statement that the company recently “found a bug that automatically suggested posting publicly when some people were creating their Facebook posts.“
Facebook said this issue affected users that share posts between May 18 and May 27 once a new manner to share items (such as photos) was being developed.
This new development left the default or suggested method of sharing as public instead of only for specific users or friends.
According to Facebook, this issue was fixed on May 22 but was incapable to change all the posts, so is now notifying affected users.
“Starting today we are letting everyone affected know and asking them to review any posts they made during that time,” Egan said.
“To be clear, this bug did not impact anything people had posted before — and they could still choose their audience just as they always have. We’d like to apologize for this mistake.”